C. Thomas Long

Tom Long earned his PhD at GW after practicing law for twenty-nine years because he wanted to study and teach history. He taught military and naval history as well as the history of the U.S. Constitution and American history. He created, taught, and loved “The Normandy Class” - The Price of Freedom: Normandy 1944 - and the students who worked so hard in it. He served as faculty sponsor to the National History Honor Society, Phi Alpha Theta during its reestablishment on the GW campus. He acted as Undergraduate Advisor to History majors and minors and as Director of Undergraduate Studies for the History Department. He was the founding Academic Director of the Albert H. Small Normandy Institute. He received The George Washington University Award for 2017 and was invited to speak to the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences commencement the same year.
The George Washington University Award for 2017
Commencement Speaker 2017, selected by students
Columbian College of Arts and Science Undergraduate Department Advising Award
Distinguished Teaching Assistant Award, George Washington
- Naval History
- Military History
- U.S. Legal and Constitutional History
HIST 1310 and 1311: Introduction to American History
HIST 2005W: The World Wars of the Twentieth Century
HIST 3030: Military History through 1815
HIST 3031: Military History since 1815
HIST 3035: The U.S. and the Wars in Indochina, 1945 – 1975
HIST 3038: Naval History through 1815
HIST 3039: Naval History since 1815
HIST 3044W: The Price of Freedom: Normandy 1944
HIST 3095: Internship
HIST 3097: Independent Study
HIST 3303: Revolutionary America
Ph.D. The George Washington University
J.D. Harvard Law School (Cum Laude)
B.A. Dartmouth College (Mathematics)