Core Faculty

By Region




Medieval Europe

Early Modern Europe

Modern Europe

Latin America

Middle East

Colonial and Revolutionary America

19th-Century United States

20th-Century United States

By Theme

African American


Cold War


Early Modern World

Imperialism and Colonialism


Science & Technology





Public Policy

Urban Studies

Women and Gender

By Alphabetical Order

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Hugh Agnew


Central and Eastern Europe

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Abigail Agresta

Assistant Professor

Medieval Europe

Paula Alonso headshot
Paula Alonso

Associate Professor

Latin America

Eric Arnesen
Eric Arnesen


20th-century U.S., Race, Labor

Alyssa Ayres portrait
Alyssa Ayres

Professor; Dean, Elliott School of International Affairs

U.S. Relations with South Asia

Aaron Bateman Headshot photo
Aaron Bateman

Assistant Professor of History and International Affairs

Cold War; Technology; International Security

Joel Blecher portrait
Joel Blecher

Associate Professor; Director of Graduate Studies

Islamic History

Headshot of Steven Brady against a gray background. He is wearing a tan suit with a buff and blue tie.
Steven Brady

Associate Professor; Director of Undergraduate Studies and Advising

Diplomatic, Military and Society, and Peace History

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Gregg A. Brazinsky


Cold War; U.S.-East Asia Relations

Denver Brunsman portrait
Denver Brunsman

Department Chair

Early American Republic, British Atlantic World

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Erin D. Chapman

Associate Professor

African-American, Gender

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Theodore Christov

Associate Professor

Modern Intellectual

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Robert J. Cottrol


Race; Law

Photo of Arie Dubnov
Arie M. Dubnov

Associate Professor

Intellectual History, Jewish Modern European, Imperialism and Colonialism

Black and white headshot of Lisa Ford
Lisa Ford

Endowed Professor of Modern British Imperial History

British Empire; Legal History; Settler Colonialism

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Hope M. Harrison

Professor of History and International Affairs

Cold War, Germany, Russia, Historical Memory

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James Hershberg


U.S. Diplomatic, Cold War

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Benjamin D. Hopkins

Professor of History and International Affairs; Senior Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, Elliot School of International Affairs

Central and South Asia

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Jenna Weissman Joselit


American Jewish History, Material Culture

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Jisoo M. Kim

Associate Professor

Korea, Gender

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Christopher Klemek

Associate Professor

20th-century U.S., Urban

Headshot of Sara Matthiesen
Sara Matthiesen

Associate Professor

U.S. Women and Gender

Faculty Headshot of Shawn McHale
Shawn McHale


Southeast Asia

Professional headshot of Dr, Warren Milteer, Jr. in front of a gray background
Warren Milteer Jr.

Associate Professor

U.S. History, Early America, Nineteenth-Century U.S.

Shira Robinson portrait
Shira Robinson

Associate Professor

Middle East

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Eric Schluessel

Associate Professor of History and International Affairs

China, Central Asia, Social History, Imperialism

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Katrin Schultheiss

Associate Professor of History

Modern Europe, Medicine

Daniel Schwartz
Daniel Schwartz


Modern Jewish, Intellectual

Headshot Timothy Shenk
Timothy Shenk

Assistant Professor

Modern U.S.

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David Silverman


Early America, Native America

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Andrew M. Smith II

Associate Professor of Classical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies and of History

Quito Swan headshot
Quito J. Swan

Professor of History and Africana Studies; Director, Africana Studies Program

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Ashwini Tambe

Director of WGSS; Professor of History and WGSS

South Asia; Law, Gender, and Sexuality; Global political economy; Transnational Feminist Theory

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Daqing Yang

Associate Professor

Modern Japan

Angela Zimmerman in a pink blouse
Angela Zimmerman

Professor of International Affairs and History

Modern Germany, U.S., West Africa, Empire