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Professor Denver Brunsman gives a lecture to a room of educators

The Kayser Memorial Lecture and the Diana Silvia Rodríguez Lecture bring historians to campus to speak about their latest research and projects.

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History Department News

Headshot of Linda Chervinsky on with a gray background.

Preserving the Presidency: A Conversation with Lindsay Chervinsky

The renowned presidential historian and GW alumna is the George Washington Presidential Library executive director.


Preserving the Presidency: A Conversation with Lindsay Chervinsky

Lindsay Chervinsky, BA '10 in Political Science and History, is a renowned presidential historian and the executive director of the George Washington Presidential Library.

Martin Luther King

A Man for All Seasons

As MLK Jr. Day celebrates its 30th anniversary as a national day of service, History Professor Eric Arnesen explained how the holiday has shaped the civil rights leader’s legacy.

Denver Brunsman Holiday Huzzah

Professors cry ‘huzzah,’ savor scientific sweets at department holiday parties

From historical homages to scientific sweets, the history department is one of many departments across GW that celebrates the end of the fall semester and the start of the holiday season with...

Image provided for New York Times opinion article

30 Years Ago, Two Young Strategists Cracked How to Beat a Guy Like Trump. Are Democrats Ready to Listen?

History's Timothy Shenk weighs in on how the Democratic Party can win the presidency this November.

Diane Harris Cline

New Endowment Memorializes Beloved Professor’s Impact

History and Classics’ Professor Diane Harris Cline was remembered as a devoted educator. A gift honoring her legacy will aid students.


Professor Kim Selected as Harvard Radcliffe Fellow

History Professor Jisoo M. Kim will be part of the 25th anniversary class of fellows.


Revolutionary Tales: Demetrius Apostolis’ Pride is Full Speed Ahead

Demetrius Apostolis, a History major and president of GW's Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society chapter, is a member and ally of GW's LGBTQIA+ community.

An 1850 illustration depicts Irish immigrants sailing to the U.S. on an overcrowded ship during the potato famine.

History Detectives: Following the Lives of Potato Famine Immigrants

For a decade, History’s Tyler Anbinder and his student researchers dug through 100 years of long-lost bank records from Irish immigrants. What they found rewrote a historical tale.

Image of five Bouchet scholars, CCAS Associate Dean for Graduate Studies, and CCAS Dean

For Bouchet Society Nominees, Research Ties to Advocacy

Five Ph.D. students will be inducted into the Edward Alexander Bouchet Graduate Honor Society, which recognizes diversity and excellence in doctoral education.

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