Jake Seboe

Photo of Jake Seboe

Jake Seboe


Email: Jake Seboe

Jake Seboe is a History M.A. student from Cloquet, MN, focusing on U.S. Presidential History, studying how the Executive Office has evolved since the early 19th century and its impact on the American people. He graduated from Concordia College, Moorhead, with a B.A. in both History and English Literature, a minor in Political Science, and a certificate in Heritage & Museum Studies. He has participated with Concordia College’s Archives and the Elsie Welter Natural History Museum to organize, catalog, and digitize collections ranging from photographs of unknown persons, to military artifacts, to thousands of plant specimens. He was the President and Treasurer of his undergrad’s Phi Alpha Theta chapter from 2021-2023; he also cooperated with the director of the Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) of Minnesota and the Dakotas in 2022 to study the history of antisemitism in Minnesota. Jake’s other research interests include Military and Culinary History.