Muriel Atkin

Muriel Atkin
Emeritus Faculty
Muriel Atkin is working on a study of the roles of Islam and nationalism in the political conflict in Tajikistan, a Central Asian republic. Her other research interests include Russian policy towards Muslims at home and abroad, and Russian/Soviet relations with Iran. She teaches undergraduate and graduate courses on Russian history and Central Asia.
- Asia
- Modern Europe
- Middle East
- Imperialism and Colonialism
HIST 3180: Russia to 1801
HIST 1381: Russia since 1801
HIST 3840: History of Central Asia
HIST 3850: Modern Iran
HIST 6180: History of Modern Russia and the Soviet Union
HIST 6181: Research Seminar: Russian and Soviet Empires
HIST 6185: Russian and Soviet Thought
HIST 6824: Research Seminar: Modern Iran
“The Early Stages of Russo-Iranian Relations.” In Russians in Iran , edited by R. Matthee and E. Andreeva, 11-23. London and New York: I.B. Tauris, 2018.
“Central Asia and the Caucasus from the First World War." In New Cambridge History of Islam 5, edited by F. Robinson, 517-541. Cambridge University Press, 2010.
“Tajikistan, from de facto colony to sovereign dependency." Sovereignty after Empire: Comparing the Middle East and Central Asia, edited by S.N. Cummings and R. Hinnebusch, 304-325. Columbia University Press and Edinburgh University Press, 2011.
Russia and Iran, 1780-1828. 2nd. ed. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2008.
"Tajikistan: A President and His Rivals." In Power and Change in Central Asia, edited by S.N. Cummings, 97-114. London: Routledge, 2002.
"The Rhetoric of Islamophobia." Central Asia and the Caucasus 1 (2000): 123-132.
"Tajikistan: A Case Study for Conflict Potential." The Soviet and Post-Soviet Review 24, no. 3 (1999): 175-203.
"Tajikistan: Reform, Reaction, and Civil War." In New States, New Politics: Building the Post-Soviet Nations, edited by Ian Bremmer and Ray Taras, 602-627. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997.
The Subtlest Battle: Islam in Soviet Tajikistan. Philadelphia: Foreign Policy Research Institute, The Philadelphia Policy Papers, 1989.
Ph.D., Yale University, 1976