2024 History Newsletter

Message from the Chair
Department Spotlights
In Memoriam
Department Kudos
Alumni Class Notes

Message from the Chair

Denver Brunsman

Greetings to all of our alumni from the George Washington University Department of History! In this newsletter, you’ll read about a few of the exciting things happening in the department, including the achievements of our community of alumni, faculty and students.

The History Department continues to thrive thanks to our fabulous faculty, students and alumni. This year, Quito Swan (featured in this newsletter) joined the department as a professor of history and director of the GW Africana Studies Program. We also welcomed our largest graduate class in recent memory, and our undergraduate major continues to defy national trends by growing. GW’s chapter of the Phi Alpha Theta National History Honor Society also hit an all-time high.

Thank you so much for your support and involvement, which makes our continued success possible. Please stay in touch.


Denver Brunsman
Department Chair

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Department Spotlights


Quito Swan
Quito J. Swan

Quito J. Swan Brings Global Links to Africana Studies

As the new director of the Africana Studies Program at the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences, Professor of History Quito J. Swan strives to make connections—across disciplines, movements and oceans. He was profiled in GW Today

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Katrin Schultheiss

Artificial Intelligence Is Here to Stay, so We Should Think More About It

A daylong symposium titled “I Am Not a Robot: The Entangled Futures of AI and the Humanities” brought GW faculty and experts in the field together to discuss the use of generative artificial intelligence. It was organized by Associate Professor of History Katrin Schultheiss and covered by GW Today.

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In Memoriam


This past year, the History Department mourned the passing of three emeritus faculty members who made significant and lasting contributions to the department. 

  • Professor William H. Becker was an eminent scholar of the history of American business, economy policy and international financial institutions. He served with distinction twice as history department chair and shaped the faculty, curriculum and life of the department.
  • Professor Diane Harris Cline held a joint appointment in History and Classical Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations. A gifted scholar and teacher, she was a pioneer in the digital humanities and use of social network analysis to better understand the ancient world.  
  • Professor Linda Levy Peck was a pathbreaking scholar of early modern Britain and an award-winning author of works on British politics, political thought and culture. She broke barriers for women in the historical profession and helped younger scholars, women and men, throughout her career.


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Department Kudos

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Alumni Class Notes

  • Adam Kutnick, MS ’13, develops blood tests using LC-MS technology at the Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio.

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